Alcuni effetti non sono visibili poiché JavaScript non è abilitato AutoPIA Vecchie Versioni - CyberQual

3.8 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.8 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).

3.8.2 (core 1.8.1)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.8.2.exe - 84 MB)


  • Reset priority among libraries for loading images

3.8.1 (core 1.8.1)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.8.1.exe - 80 MB)


  • Improved recognition of TOR CDR test object

3.8.0 (core 1.8.0)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.8.0.exe - 80 MB)

New features

  • Support for the new version of TOR MAM phantom


  • Improved recognition of TOR MAM previous version

3.7 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.7 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).

3.7.15 (core 1.7.16)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.15.exe - 80 MB)


  • Improved recognition of TO 20

3.7.14 (core 1.7.15)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.14.exe - 80 MB)


  • Improved recognition of TOR CDR
  • Increased memory usage
  • Reduced download size

3.7.13 (core 1.7.14)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.13.exe - 154 MB)


  • Improved recognition of TOR 18FG

3.7.12 (core 1.7.13)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.12.exe - 154 MB)


  • Improved recognition of TO 10, TO 12, TO 16, TO 20

3.7.11 (core 1.7.12)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.11.exe - 162 MB)


  • Improved recognition of TOR 18FG

3.7.10 (core 1.7.11)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.10.exe - 162 MB)


  • Better recognition of TOR CDR on noisy images
  • Managing operating system returning wired values

3.7.9 (core 1.7.10)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.9.exe - 95 MB)


  • Improved recognition of HCR in TOR 18FG

3.7.8 (core 1.7.9)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.8.exe - 95 MB)


  • Enlarged tolerance for TOR MAS phantom recognition

3.7.7 (core 1.7.8)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.7.exe - 96 MB)


  • Improved PIX 13 recognizer, especially for XA/RF images
  • Improved HCR bar pattern recognition in PIX 13

3.7.6 (core 1.7.7)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.6.exe - 96 MB)


  • Improved readability of compressed images
  • Correction of a bug in EUREF measurement of variance deviation (2.b. supplement)

3.7.5 (core 1.7.6)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.5.exe - 94 MB)


  • Improved detection of TOR 18FG phantom
  • Improved calculation of MTF in the TOR 18FG phantom for noisy images

3.7.4 (core 1.7.5)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.4.exe - 94 MB)


  • Improved detection of CBCT161 phantom
  • Improved accuracy of CBCT161 phantom rotation

3.7.3 (core 1.7.4)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.3.exe - 93 MB)


  • Correction of a bug in EUREF measurement of deviating ROIs for MPV (2.b.

3.7.2 (core 1.7.2)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.2.exe - 89 MB)


  • Extending the range of USB sticks that can be used with AutoPIA

3.7.1 (core 1.7.1)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.1.exe - 89 MB)

New features

  • New recogniser for TOR 18FG phantoms


  • Correct identification of MTF in DMAM2

3.7.0 (core 1.7.0)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.7.0.exe - 89 MB)

New features

  • TV distortion parameter for CBCT-161 (SMIA part 5 chapter 5.20)
  • New recogniser for TOR MAM phantoms
  • New method for calculating CNR of filaments in TOR MAM


  • Better recognition of DMAM2 Gold eand DMAM2 Threshold Contrast

3.6 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.6 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).

3.6.11 (core 1.6.10)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.11.exe - 90 MB)


  • Further separation of algorithms between the two versions of DMAM2 Threshold Contrast and DMAM2 Gold
  • Changed tolerance in DMAM2 Threshold Contrast and DMAM2 Gold details position (now 1.0 mm)
  • Corrected a wrong behavior when analyzing the same image twice

3.6.10 (core 1.6.9)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.10.exe - 90 MB)


  • Improved calculation of MTF for the PIX-13 phantom

3.6.9 (core 1.6.8)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.9.exe - 90 MB)


  • Improved recognition of PIX-13 phantom

3.6.8 (core 1.6.7)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.8.exe - 90 MB)


  • Correct control charts demo

3.6.7 (core 1.6.5)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.7.exe - 72 MB)

New features

  • Added the support for the DMAM2 CD/Gold new version


  • Improved recognition of DMAM2 CD/Gold old version
  • Improved logging efficiency

3.6.6 (core 1.6.4)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.6.exe - 72 MB)


  • Improved recognition of CBCT-161

3.6.5 (core 1.6.3)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.5.exe - 72 MB)

New features

  • Possibility to automatically store analysis results after an automatic analysis

3.6.4 (core 1.6.3)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.4.exe - 72 MB)


  • Error handling for automatic analysis of images dropped into a directory

3.6.3 (core 1.6.3)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.3.exe - 72 MB)

New features

  • Automatic analysis of files dropped into a directory


  • Improved recognition of bar patterns in High Resolution Grid for TOR CDR and TOR 18FG

3.6.2 (core 1.6.2)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.2.exe - 72 MB)


  • Improve CBCT-161 recognition algorithms failing in some specific cases
  • Restored calculation of High Resolution Grid image quality for TOR CDR
  • Restored calculation of High Resolution Grid image quality for TOR 18FG
  • Correct the naming of variance ratio

3.6.1 (core 1.6.1)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.1.exe - 72 MB)


  • Restored the possibility to open compressed images

3.6.0 (core 1.6.0)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.6.0.exe - 70 MB)

New features

  • Brand new algorithm for pre-sampled MTF calculation for TOR CDR
  • Brand new algorithm for pre-sampled MTF calculation for TOR 18FG
  • Added message for discarded bar patterns in MTF calculation


  • Corrected MTF calculation of first bar pattern in TOR MAS and TOR MAX
  • Corrected MTF calculation of bar patterns in TOR MAS and TOR MAX (seldom occurred)
  • Updated the virtual machine engine

3.5 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.5 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).

3.5.1 (core 1.5.1)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.5.1.exe - 67 MB)


  • Improved recogniser for TOR CDR
  • Improved recogniser for TOR 18FG
  • Corrected MTF calculation for TOR CDR when HCR is horizontal

3.5.0 (core 1.5.0)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.5.0.exe - 67 MB)

New features

  • Brand new algorithm for recognition of TOR CDR
  • Brand new algorithm for pre-sampled MTF calculation for TOR MAS and TOR MAX
  • Brand new algorithm for analysis of microparticle step wedge in TOR MAS and TOR MAS (more resilient and faster)
  • Rounded variance ratio on microparticles (TOR MAS and TOR MAX) according to measure error
  • Added the read of DICOM tag for protocol name
  • Added the read of DICOM tag for exposure status


  • Handle of conditions where image does not contain the expected phantom
  • Corrected the reading of the cassette ID from DICOM tags when reported into the results
  • Global selection (default) available only when more than one image is selected for analysis
  • Neutralized a problem in 3rd party libraries that gives wrong calculations for polygons degenerated into lines (sometimes a scaling in MTF)
  • Prevent the storage of NaN values for errors (which is not supported by MySQL)

3.4 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.4 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).

3.4.6 (core 1.4.8)

Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.4.6.exe - 67 MB)

New features

  • When available phantoms are more than 8, there is the possibility to make a global selection


  • Improved algorithm for analysis of microparticle step wedge in TOR MAS and TOR MAS (more resilient) (core 1.4.7)
  • Improved the recogniser of TOR MAX
  • Improved the recogniser of TOR MAS (core 1.4.7)


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.4.5.exe - 67 MB)

New features

  • Brand new algorithm for analysis of uniform step wedge in TOR MAS and TOR MAS (more resilient and faster)
  • Brand new algorithm for analysis of microparticle step wedge in TOR MAS and TOR MAS (more resilient and faster)
  • Rounded variance ratio on microparticles (TOR MAS and TOR MAX) according to measure error


  • Improved recognition of CBCT-161 with images with conversion from stored pixel values to values to be displayed
  • Visualization of detail and background area in CNRs of CBCT-161
  • Extended automatic visualization to images with conversion of raw values to C values
  • Improved the recogniser of TOR MAS
  • Cut profiles at image edges
  • Correct a problem in the algorithm for scaling polygons, points and rectangular shapes


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.4.3.exe - 67 MB)

New features

  • Added a filter to exclude pixels with padding value on CBCT-161 analysis
  • Automatic detection of padding value for circular field of views in CBCT-161
  • Added CNR on CBCT-161
  • Added IQI "Line pairs at MTF 10%" for MTF calculated on edge
  • Added geometric IQI (ratio between lengths of perpendicular segments) on CBCT-161
  • Handling composite ROIs


  • Improved accuracy in relative contrast for uniform step wedge
  • Improved filter to enable disable IQI per phantom
  • On demo requests institute and issuer are now mandatory


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.4.2.exe - 67 MB)

New features

  • Added compression force and body part thickness


  • Corrected the interpretation of milliseconds in the interpretation of DICOM header dates
  • Corrected a problem in the analysis of MTF for PIX 13
  • Improvement in the performance of uniform step wedges analysis
  • Improvement in the performance of microparticle analysis
  • All contrasts now in % rather than in range [0,1]
  • Problem with the analysis of some uniform images (array index out of bounds)
  • Improved implementation of EUREF 4th edition supplement 2b.
  • Improved output on CSV file when exporting different images


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.4.1.exe - 67 MB)


  • Fixed a problem on the ROI idenitifications for MTF on edge
  • Improved recognition of filaments in TOR MAM


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.4.0.exe - 67 MB)

New features

  • Added DMAM2 aluminium foil
  • Added DMAM2 uniform
  • Added DMAM2 MTF
  • Added DMAM2 threshold contrast
  • Added PIX MAM 240x300
  • Added PIX MAM 250D
  • Added TOR MAM


  • Improved performance of TOR MAS (microparticles and uniform step wedge)
  • Fixed precision of some IQIs

3.3 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.3 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.3.0.exe - 67 MB)

New features

  • Alligned with AutoPIA web edition


  • Improved recognition of circular details (and count)
  • Duplication in DICOM header tags (X-Ray tube current)
  • Improved code optimization

3.2 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.2 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.2.5.exe - 66 MB)

New features

  • Extended the possibility to load compressed images


  • Fast recognition of void images for CBCT-161
  • Export with new phantoms
  • Handle unusual installation environments and improved license management


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.2.4.exe - 66 MB)


  • Handle unusual installation environments and improved license management


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.2.3.exe - 66 MB)


  • Allow reinstall license after the old one has expired


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.2.2.exe - 65 MB)

New features

  • Support for CBCT-161 phantom
  • Support for rectangular frame ROIs
  • Calculate the max cut off (if data are available on DICOM headers)


  • Improved the TO XX recogniser
  • Improved the TOR CDR recogniser
  • Resolved a bug in image duplication when a ROI was selected
  • Stronger algorithm for bar pattern discovery in MTF calculation based on Huttner patterns
  • Recognition of plate ID and cassette ID even with leading and trailing spaces
  • Improved support for images with negative pixel values
  • Improved high contrast edge detection
  • Solved a problem on DCC when no details are visible on a group
  • Avoid duplication on medical centers when adding data on database
  • Store more information from PIX 13 on database
  • Removed absolute value in calculation of contrast for PIX 13
  • Removed some debug images


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.2.1.exe - 64 MB)

New features

  • New TOR CDR recogniser


  • Improved performances of TOR MAS recognition
  • Improved recognition of TO 20, TO 16, TO 12 and TO 10 phantoms


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.2.0.exe - 64 MB)

New features

  • New TO 20, TO 16, TO 12 and TO 10 recognizer


  • Removed some debug operations while analyzing the uniform step wedge in TOR CDR, TOR MAS and TOR MAS
  • Solved a problem in multi-threading environment

3.1 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.1 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.1.2.exe - 60 MB)


  • Improved visibility algorithms
  • Improved algorithm of CNR calculation
  • Improved algorithm of DCCcalculation


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.1.1.exe - 60 MB)

New features

  • Supported a new version of the virtual machine
  • Added the possibility to manage group permissions in preferences for IQI and Algorithms management


  • Improved visibility algorithms with weighted inference
  • Improved performance of CNR calculation
  • Improved search area in CNR calculation
  • Improved performance of DCC calculation
  • Improved performance of uniform contrast calculation
  • Redefined PIX13 statistics for control charts
  • Removed Ignore column in preferences for IQI management
  • IQI and Algorithm preferences only available to developers


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.1.0.exe - 52 MB)

New features

  • New supported phantom PIX 13
  • New TOR 18FG recogniser working with images having more noise
  • New IQI for checking test conditions (mAs, kVp, detector temperature, device, detector, plate and cassette ID)
  • Improved version of TO20, TO16, TO12 and TO10 now recognising SC, RF and other modalities
  • Possibility to run from standard Windows users (not only administrators)


  • New algorithm for recognising bar patterns inside the HCR
  • New recognition of TOR CDR with improved performance and precision
  • New improved CNR algorithm for circular details
  • New improved DCC algorithm for small circular details
  • New improved Visibility algorithm without thresholds on visibility indices
  • Removed all launching conditions regarding operating systems after Windows 9X series
  • Modified launching condition for RAM (now 512Mb)
  • Possibility to set parameters for the TO16, TO12 and TO10
  • Error in the calculation of MTF for HCR not perpendicular or parallel to image axis
  • Error in TOR 18FG recognition: Pb and Cu squared misinterpreted (switched)
  • Highlighted mAs for Send to QUACKS
  • Improved log for "Send to QUACKS" functionality
  • Deleted the limitation on the selection of QUACKS server port
  • Improved compression algorithm for the creation o f the installer

3.0 releases

Here are all the service releases for the 3.0 version; service releases are those used to slightly improve functionalities or correct defects. Installers of retired versions are not available for download (no link).


Installer (AutoPIA_Setup-3.0.6.msi - 117 MB)

New features

  • Added TO16, TO12 and TO10 phantoms
  • New TOR 18FG recogniser working with images having more noise
  • Possibility for MTF analyser to skip unidentified bar patterns
  • MTF analyser now tries all ways to identify bar patterns, even when lowest frequency ones are not clearly visible
  • MTF analyser now performs consistency checks for validating bar patterns


  • Problems in exporting data with all non-IQIs data
  • Refactored testing structure
  • Reference ROIs in MTF calculation are now rectangles
  • Aligned radio buttons to phantom names when selecting phantoms and images
  • Analysis and export are now performed ordered according to images


Installer (AutoPIASetup-3_0_5.msi - 63,0 MB)

New features

  • Calculation of Nyquist frequency according to image associated info (DICOM headers)


  • Improved visualization of phantom selection
  • Improved geometrical coherence check on circular details
  • Improved calculation of MTF values


Installer (AutoPIASetup-3_0_4.msi - 62,8 MB)

New features

  • Consistency check for MTF values
  • Scroll bar inside phantom selection when many images are loaded


  • Avoid duplication of manufacturers and model names inside the dialog for equipment creation
  • Improved calculation of the "Cut off" (was on image frequencies, now it is on object frequencies)
  • Improved calculation of "Frequency at MTF XX%"
  • Improved image management when loading files with a stack of images
  • Updated the threshold functionality
  • Updated the hierarchy of the components


Installer (AutoPIASetup-3_0_3.msi - 62,8 MB)

New features

  • Runs without JVM installed
  • Possibility to select which IQIs to export from preferences
  • New and improved interface to set algorithms parameters
  • Improved estimation of MTF (now with ROIs for reference levels)
  • Moved the workspace directory to AutoPIA working directory in the all users directory (avoid virtual store in Vista and Win7)
  • Speed up start up for CyberQual USB keys
  • More strict filter on USB keys
  • Send analysis results to QUACKS for TOR MAS, TOR MAX and TOR CDR


  • Updated the license manager to handle licenses for all users
  • Restored the possibility to see ROIs of an IQI
  • Visualize sub details non-IQI when not all data is available
  • Export image data with the same order as the images in the navigation view
  • Improved performance during license management
  • Correctly close file when an error occurs when exporting to CSV


Installer (AutoPIASetup-3_0_2.msi - 32,3 MB)

New features

  • Handle license expiration during install
  • Explicit feature list
  • New pattern to read DICOM timestamp


  • Simplified licensing schema
  • Removed the possibility to install per single user
  • Updated installer package software
  • Correct the storage of images (removed analysis from equipments before persistence)
  • Refresh of control charts tree after image info storage


Installer (AutoPIASetup-3_0_1.msi - 32,3 MB)


  • Wrong unit of measure on IQI 100% Rel contrast and 50% rel contrast
  • Misspelling of IQI name 100% Rel contrast
  • Actions menu with Analyse and Store commands
  • Restructure some menu itemsRemoved the possibility to install per single user
  • Updated installer package software
  • Correct the storage of images (removed analysis from equipments before persistence)
  • Refresh of control charts tree after image info storage


Installer (AutoPIASetup-3_0_0.msi - 32,3 MB)